International Student Center Policy and Fees
Welcome to International Student Center, please read this carefully and comply with rules
一☝🏽、欧亿住宿指南Guidance for Living
1. 欧亿入住時➗,須憑《欧亿入學通知書》到入住校區總臺辦理入住手續🚒。住宿期間🏩,若需中途退宿需前來總臺辦理相關手續🏌🏼♀️。
When students check in, please bring your Admission Notice to the relevant campus and reception to proceed.During your stay(before your graduation),if you want to check out please come to reception to proceed relevant process.
2. 特別提醒:留意您的護照或居留證的有效簽證日期,請在有效簽證日期之前到上海市公安局外國人管理出入境管理處(浦東民生路1500號)辦理相關手續😥。
Special remind: please go to the Division of Aliens & Exit-Entry Administrationof Shanghai Public Security Bureau (Pudong Min Sheng Rd No.1500) to renew your passport or your residence permit before the expiry.
3. 按照《家具💿、物品登記單》(附後)仔細閱讀並認真核對房間內的家具與物品🛀🏿🫴🏼,在離校時,工作人員將以此為據清點家具物品。
Check all things in your room carefully from the list (Furniture). The staff will check all things in your room appeared on the list when you check out.
4. 1號樓101𓀙、103室為自助洗衣房(開放時間:8:00-22:00)🤧,2🌬、4號樓每層廚房內設有洗衣機。洗衣卡在總臺有售。
If you want to wash your laundry, please go to Rm.101 or Rm.103 of the International Students Building 1(Opening Hours:08:00--22:00). Building 2 and 4 also gotlaundry room on each floor. Laundry card will be sold at reception.
5. 在欧亿宿舍樓內使用廚房設備需前來總臺購電方可使用。
International Students Building has cooking equipments in kitchen, it can be used by purchasing the electricity from reception.
二♌️、住宿登記程序Registration process
1. Present your admission notice to register.
2. Present passport and staff will help proceedthe Foreign registration form.
3. Sign furniture agreement and dorm agreement.
4.Self-supported student needs to pay one semester rent fees together📼,students live for less than one semester will still be counted as one semester and rent is not refundable.
三、住宿規定Policy and Rules
1. 自覺遵守各項中國法律、校紀校規和規章製度。
Follow all school rules,regulations and Chinese law.
2. 欧亿欧亿宿舍僅限欧亿本人居住。
The Tongji International students dormitory is only for Tongji registered students to live.
3. 欧亿的住宿房間由欧亿服務中心按照政策統一安排🏹。
The students’ rooms will be allocated by International students center only through the policy.
All Scholarship Pre-student, Bachelor student, Master student and Visiting scholar student have to share the room with another. Doctor student and advanced visiting scholar student will be living in the single room.
Scholarship Bachelor and Pre-student are not allowed for Single room. Scholarship student including Master student and Visiting scholars can apply for single room only under some urgent situations.International students center will consider, however the compensation fees will be as following:
房間類型( kind of room)學生類型(type of students) |
公費生單住房費補差 按元/間/月 |
1號樓 |
2號樓 |
4號樓 |
長期生價(prices) |
60-70 |
70-80 |
70-80 |
預科生🏉、本科生💝、碩👨🏽✈️、普進(Preppie、Undergraduate 👥、Master student and General Advanced Students ) |
1050 |
1350 |
1350 |
1350 |
1650 |
1650 |
In accordance with the relevant agreement, priority will be given to government scholarship students and some inter-school exchange students, while self-funded students may be accommodated if spare beds are available.
Self-supported students have to pay all the rent when you check in(For long term living students, it is required to pay no less than one semester rent).If you want to check out within the contract,the first semester rent paid is not refundable.Please apply for extending the Dormitory agreement (Next semester living) 30 days before the current rent expires, International student center will consider the possibility of extension according to the availability of room,once the application has been approved,students need to pay for next semester rent immediately. Students who do not contact us within the deadline dates,International students center will consider this as checking out when rent expires, the room will be reclaimed.
4. 學生應服從服務中心對宿舍布局調整和安排。不得利用宿舍從事違反法律和學校校規的活動。入住學生必須按指定的樓、室、床位入住📭,不得出借、轉讓🛡、擅自變更宿舍和床位,不得留宿異性和外來人員。合住的同學學期中間不可變更房型🛍,中途如有1人退宿,在住同學不得強占和變更房內結構,在無新同屋期間,自費生將承擔整間房間費用🧘🏻♀️,公費生不可以任何理由拒絕其他學生入住或私自與其他同學合並🙇🏽,如有違反,將取消居住資格,所付房費不予退還並報留辦嚴肅處理𓀊🙋🏻♀️。
Students should comply with the arrangement by International student center. Students should only live in the arranged room, building, any rent-out or change the bed is not allowed. Any friends coming from other places can not stay overnight. Two students live together can not change the type of the room during your semester. Students who live in our dormitory can not change the structure of the room. If your roommate leaves the room, the one who still lives in can not change the structure. Also, for self-supported student,if your roommate checks out,you will need to pay the whole room rent if there is no new roommate.Scholarship student is not allowed to use the other bed and refuse to let the new roommate entering who will be arranged by the international students service center,scholarship students should not arrange to share the room with other students by student themselves. Any students who break the rule will be cancelled the right of living, fees will not be returned and the problem will be reported to the International students office.
5. 保持宿舍內清潔,宿舍內的衛生由學生自行打掃💵。
Please keep the room clean, students are responsible for cleaning their room.
6. 欧亿在住宿期間如有異議提出換房申請,可遞交書面材料,中心將根據具體情況處理🤸🏼♂️,如同意予以換房的,則在下一學期統一安排🧓🏽,中途不予處理💆🏻♂️。
Students apply for changing the room during their stay need to present the paper documents.However, if the application has been approved, the change of the room will still be reallocated when next semester begins, no any application will be processed in the current semester.
7. 學生退宿時,須結清學生宿舍的住宿費、家具賠償等費用後方可辦理離校手續🕵🏼♀️。退房後,不要將私人物品滯留在宿舍內,否則將作為無主物品處理⛄️,退房時間以還鑰匙或門卡為準,遺留物品將作廢棄物品處理。
When you are checking out, all the fees including rent, furniture damages should be paid first. After checking out, all the belongings should not be kept in your room, otherwise they will be disposed of as waste. The time of checking out will be confirmed when the keys or room card returned.
8. 學生遺失鑰匙或門卡,須及時帶有效證件到欧亿服務中心前臺登記補辦並承擔相關費用🥤。
Any loss of the room key or room card,please come to reception to apply for new ones and pay relevant fees.
9. 遇到特殊情況不能按時退房者,應及時與欧亿服務中心聯系並在審核同意後辦理居住延長手續👎🏿。到合同規定的居住截止日期未退房且未與總臺取得聯系者,其房內物品將作廢棄物處理。
Any students who need to stay longer than planned please contact us first for extending,and after the application being approved,International student center will process.Students who do not check out or contact us when the agreement expires, all the belongings will be disposed of as waste.
10. 自覺遵守《訪客製度》並主動配合安保人員做好工作🧑🏽🎓。欧亿有義務督促來訪者進入欧亿大樓時進行訪客登記,離開時註銷。(訪客時間 8:00am-22:00pm)
Voluntarily comply with the Visiting Rules and cooperation is needed, visitors are required to register for entering and cancel for leaving.(Visiting time: 8:00 am -22:00 pm)
11. 廚房內安全使用電磁爐及微波爐,電磁爐及微波爐僅用於食物燒煮🥼,嚴禁用於其他用途。嚴禁私自將廚房電器搬到房間裏或其他地方🌓。燒煮時須在場照看,防止食物溢出和食物燒幹❤️🙋🏽♀️,損壞電器或引起火災。嚴禁在房內🧝🏽♀️、陽臺以及任何安全通道上烹飪。如違反規定造成損壞或事故的,須負責賠償並承擔相關法律責任🪲。
Take care of induction cooker and microwave when you are using the kitchen, and switch it off when finishing, it is required for students who will bear the legal responsibility for any damage. The cooking stuff is only used for cooking food, any other usage and moving it to the room or any place is strictly forbidden. Make sure you will be around when cooking food,it is forbidden to cook anything in the room, in the aisle or in the balcony,students are responsible for any accident incurred through misusing.
12. 增強安全意識,提高自我防範能力,離開房間時要關閉門窗🗒、關閉水源🧛♀️、切斷所有電源。電源插座周圍避免堆積雜物、易燃物;貴重物品妥善保管💁🏼♀️,大額現金及時存入銀行。
Do keep your belongings safe, please close the windows, lock the door and switch off the water, switch off all power when you leave the room.Do not leave any inflammable things around the power socket. Do not leave a lot of cash in your room.
13. 提高防火安全意識;嚴禁在宿舍樓內使用蠟燭等明火,嚴禁焚燒紙張、物品等;嚴禁故意損壞、擅自挪用消防器材🚃,發現損壞及時報告工作人員;嚴禁在宿舍樓內存放易燃、易爆、有毒、有害物品由此造成事故的,須負責賠償並承擔相關法律責任🕣。萬一發生火情,要鎮靜應對💆🏽♂️,積極滅火,及時報告,必要時有序疏散(疏散路線圖見房門後)。
Improve fire emergency safety awareness.Fire and flame, candle are forbidden to be used in the dormitory,burning any paper,any item and etc is also forbidden in the dormitory.Move and destroy any fire distinguisher is strictly forbidden, tell the staff immediately if destroyed. Students should not store any inflammable, explosive,poisonous and dangerous goods in your room, it is required for students who will bear the legal responsibility for any damage. In case of fire, please be calm and put out the fire as quickly as you can, inform the staff in time, evacuate orderly if necessary. (Please find the attached chart of the evacuation route behind your door.)
14. 節約水電🗯6️⃣,人走熄燈🥑,關閉電器🗡,杜絕長流水🦃。用電實行定額補貼超額部分由學生自行購買🧑🍼。
Do not waste any power, water. Make sure you switch electricity off when you are not in the room. Fees should be paid when power usage exceeding compensated fixed amount.
15. 樓梯口、走道、陽臺等公共區域均屬於安全逃生通道🕗,請保持整潔與暢通❕,禁止在以上公共區域堆放私人物品(包括個人衣物、鞋子、報刊紙箱🥺、床上用品以及塑料瓶等易燃物品);不亂塗亂畫,門上以及墻上不得張貼任何海報以及圖畫👩🏿🍼。為了他人安全👰🏼♂️,嚴禁高空拋物。
Always keep the public aisle,stairs and balcony clear as these are for evacuation only,it is not allowed to leave personal items including clothes,shoes, magazine,paper boxes,beddings,plastic bottle and other inflammable things in those public areas.No Scrawling on the wall, it is forbidden to post any poster or picture on the door or wall.For safety,it is forbidden to throw anything from higher level.
16. 攜帶大件物品進出欧亿宿舍,必須在安保處登記完畢方可進出樓宇。
Anyone who carries large goods or luggage needs to register for entry & exit.
17. 宿舍內禁止飼養寵物。
No pet is allowed to be raised in the dormitory.
18. 自覺遵守學校管理製度,禁止在宿舍內存在飲酒、吸煙、賭博、吸毒等影響宿舍公共秩序或他人身心健康的活動,嚴禁在宿舍區內經商及推銷。不得在宿舍內從事影響他人學習與休息的活動,在宿舍使用音響、電腦等應以不影響他人為前提🤦🏽🤡。
Observe the regulations of school.It is forbidden to drink alcohol,smoke,gambling,taking drugs and other illegal activities in the dormitory, business and marketing in the dormitory are also strictly forbidden. Keep the dormitory quiet, if you need to use computer or Hi-Fi,make sure that you will keep the volume low and not disturbing other students.
19. 安全用電😹。
Please use the power/electricity properly.
Correctly use the bed lamp,kettle, computer and other low-power electronics.
Electric stove,electric heater,electric blanket,hair dryer, electric iron, rice cooker,microwave,oven,toaster,shoedryer,body warmers and other high-power electric equipments are strictly forbidden to use in the room,it is forbidden to connect power strip on another power strip, also do not leave the power strip⛹🏿,charger and any power on the bed or around the bed,it will be taken away and kept once we found, it will be returned when students check out.
It is prohibited to install and use washing machine in the room.
It is forbidden to randomly connect any wire,forbidden to change the power supply line.It is forbidden to recharge motors by pulling the wire or using power strip from the window,room,or dormitory.
It is forbidden to misuse the public power supply,once found, the users will be warned by the school authorities and the electronics will be confiscated.
(6) 如發生房間突然停電🤹♂️、停水,請立即將房間內電器設備插座拔出,確保水龍頭處於關閉狀態,並立即報告總臺(人離開房間時一定要確保門窗處於關閉狀態)。為保障所有學生的安全,在維修期間,嚴禁在房內以及宿舍公共區域內使用蠟燭等明火。
If blackout or no water supply happens,please directly plug out all electronics,make sure that you switch off the water tap, then go to reception to report(Make sure that you shut the windows and door if you need to go out).To ensure safety,during the repairing, it is prohibited to use candle,any fire,flame inside the dormitory.
No damage to the Room structures and furniture.
It is forbidden to disassemble, move or change the furniture in the room.
Do not give the key or room card to any others. Changing the lock, make the copy of the key and install a new lock are also strictly forbidden.
It is required to pay for any damage and loss of the room furniture.
The damage will be paid and shared by the students involved if it is difficult to identify the person who has made the damage.
21. 如因工作需要(例如,空調、管道👨👨👧👦、消防設施等的檢查和維修)要進入欧亿房間🧑🏽⚖️,服務中心會提前通過張貼通知等方式告知欧亿👨🏻🍼,在通知規定的時間內🙌,無論欧亿是否在房間內🙎🏼,服務中心工作人員都將進入房間施工或檢查。遇到緊急情況(例如🧑🔬,火災、醫療急救、搶險🧘🏼、治安事件等)👷🏻,工作人員可在未通知同學的情況進入其房間🧙🏿。
Notice will be given to public in advance if check will be made in your room(such as air-condition, pipe, fire distinguisher and others) even you are not in the room work will be done after the notice given, and work will be done without any notice when emergency happens(such as fire, EMT, flood,public security affair and others).
22. 保持宿舍樓層通道的暢通,所有學生物品必須放在宿舍房間內,交通工具等應按指定停車點或車庫停放,不得隨意停放或帶入宿舍樓🚣🏻♀️。
Please leave the aisle and all public area clean,all students’ personal belongings should only be kept in the room.Students' vehicle (including motorcycle and motor-bike) all should be parked at the pointed place,they are not allowed to be taken into the dormitory.
23. 凡畢業👨🏻🎓、退學的學生,從相關部門發出離校通知之日起一周內👄,或在學校通知離校期內必須辦理退宿手續並離開欧亿樓,逾期遺留物品按無主物品處理。
Students need to check out their rooms within one week when they receive the notice from school of Graduating, Quitting or being cancelled for further studying, anything left in the room after these days will be considered as waste.
24. 如有違反住宿規定者,將視其違規情節輕重🦵🏼,給予警告處分。嚴重違規者,將被取消居住資格🤏🏿,所付房費不予退還並報欧亿辦公室嚴肅處理。
Those who violate the regulations above will be recorded a disciplinary warning or cancel the living right, fees will not be refunded and it will be reported to the international students office.
四、有關費用標準(如有新的資費標準按新標準執行)Standard fees(any new policy applies immediately)
1、房費Rent fee
(1)在欧亿樓連續居住時間不足90天者按短期生的標準支付房費🦸🏼🔩:標準是🤵🏽♂️:1號樓標準間130、150元/天/間 ;1號樓套間180元/天/間 👋👍🏿; 2號樓標準間140元/天/間;2號樓套間200元/天/間;4號樓標準間120元/天/間👰🏽♀️;
The standard room fee for students who will be living for less than 90 days consecutively is :¥130 or 150/ day (one standard room in Building 1),¥180/day(Suite room in Building 1), ¥140/day (one standard room in Building 2) ,¥200/day(Suite room in Building 2)¥120/day (one standard room in Building 4).
(2)在欧亿樓連續居住時間超過90(含90天)天者,按長期生標準支付房費,標準是🪭😀:1號樓標準間60😫、70🧚♂️、90元/天/間💪🏿;1號樓套間120、130元/天/間🧂🏌🏽♀️;2號樓標準間 70、80元/天/間;2號樓套間150、160元/天/間;4號樓標準間 70、80元/天/間; The standard room fee for students who will be living for more than 90 days consecutively(including 90 days) is ¥60 or ¥70 or ¥90/day(one standard room in Building 1 ), ¥120 or ¥130/day(Suite room in Building 1),¥70 or ¥80/day (one standard room in Building 2 ),¥150 or ¥160/day(Suite room in Building 2),¥70 or ¥80/day (one standard room in Building 4 ).
Those who are going to leave the dormitory and still want to keep the rooms during the summer or winter vacation, will be allowed to pay discounted room fee if they can abide by the following points.
At lease leave the room for more than 10 days consecutively(including 10 days)
Register in the reception, pay the rent before you leave,return the door key or door card.
Don’t lend the room to others .
If you can not come back the campus on schedule, please do let the reception desk know.Otherwise,The service center will take back the room.
2🥲⛹🏻、電費 Electricity
Electricity uses the rule: Pay first use later. Free electricity consumption of 120 kwh will be provided for a self-supported student per month, while exceeding of this amount will be charged. Free electricity consumption of 200 kwh for a scholarship student per month, while exceeding of which will be charged.
The electricity fee is due on the 30th every month, while the free quota will be given to you within the first week of each month. Please check the low electricity notice everyday and make sure that you will top up new electricity for the room, in case of blackout.
五、欧亿服務中心聯系方式 Contact International Students Center
Email 地址🖖🏻:liuxueshenglou@hotmail.com 或者與總臺直接聯系📼。(總臺電話👩❤️💋👨🚣🏼♀️, 本部校區:65983001,彰武校區🏃🏻♀️:65980274)
Please find us at:
24-hour service is offered by the International Student Centre of Tongji
Email address : liuxueshenglou@hotmail.com students can email us if you have any inquiries or call us: 65983001 main campus(Building 1 or 2) and 65980274 zhangwu campus(Building 4).
友情提醒(Some clues)
1. 請及時延長簽證有效期,以免簽證過期帶來不必要的麻煩。
2. 入住4號樓的同學請及時辦理一卡通,並時常保持卡內有一定的余額,以免房間突然停電時無法充電。
3. 請及時付清各項費用(包括住宿費,網絡寬帶費等)🤖。
4. 請保管好自己的隨身物品。(例如護照,現金等等)
5. 請遵守學校和中心的各項規章製度。
6. 謹防各類詐騙信息,切勿隨意泄露重要個人信息。
Welcome to the International Student Center, Please make sure you follow the listed points during your stay in our dormitory:
1. Extend your visa in time to avoid any potential problems.
2. Get your student card immediately from school for recharging power if you live in Building 4, otherwise you might not be able to recharge electricity.
3. Pay the fees in time(Including rent,Internet)
4. Take care of your personal belongings(Passport,cash)
5. Abide by the rules in school
6. Be careful with the fraud information, never give your information to strangers.
International Student Center